17 December 2021

Trade is an important aspect of the close relationship between Australia and the UK, however we are concerned the Free Trade Agreement has been signed today without any consultation about its content or economic analysis of its impact on Australian jobs and exporters.
The Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement was signed today without any public debate about its draft text, despite a Government-chaired committee recently recommending enhanced transparency as part of trade negotiations.
The Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, chaired by Liberal MP Dave Sharma, recommended in August that the Government introduce transparency and accountability measures, including publishing negotiating aims and objectives, and using non-disclosure agreements to allow for improved consultation in trade negotiations.
The JSCOT report, Strengthening the Trade Agreement and Treaty-Making Process in Australia, also recommended the Government undertake independent modelling and analysis of trade treaties before they’re signed.
A future Labor Government would ensure greater transparency in trade negotiations by implementing the recommendations from JSCOT’s report tabled in August this year.
Labor will consider closely the details of the A-UK FTA. However, it appears that Labor’s concerns about waivers of labour market testing rules for migration have not been heeded by Minister Tehan in negotiating the A-UK FTA. 
It is clear that the Government has failed to consult adequately with the business community, union movement or civil society on A-UK FTA. 
Labor will consult widely as we consider our position on ratification of the agreement and we look forward to the JSCOT inquiry into the treaty.