02 December 2020

The 2020 US presidential election has been one of the talked-about global news stories of the year.

Local residents are invited to hear two distinguished experts in US politics and international relations dissect the outcome of the election, exploring the impact of Joe Biden’s victory on Australia and the world.

Australia’s former Federal Minister for Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade, Professor Stephen Smith, will speak alongside the CEO of the PerthUSAsia Centre, Professor Gordon Flake.

The session will be moderated by the Member for Brand, Madeleine King, who will also offer insights through her role as the Federal Shadow Minister for Trade.

This will be the final Brand Community Lecture Series lecture for 2020 and is a great opportunity for locals to ask those questions they may have wondered about while watching news coverage of the US election and its aftermath. 

The series, a partnership between Ms King and Murdoch University, has been created with the aim of encouraging education and conversation through free lectures from experts on topical subjects.

The lecture will take place on Tuesday 15 December with a 5:50pm arrival for 6pm start at the Murdoch University Rockingham Campus on Dixon Road, Rockingham.

Tickets are free (but essential) and can be booked by visiting the following link:

The lecture will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person. For more information please call the Office of Madeleine King MP on 9527 9377.