28 September 2016

Local Federal Member for Brand Madeleine King has won selection to a range of key committees in Federal Parliament.

Ms King said she was looking forward to making a contribution through her service on the committees which review and report on significant issues to Parliament.

The local Federal MP began her committee work this week attending three sessions of the Treaties Committee in Canberra.

Ms King was appointed to three committees including the Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs, the Committee on Human Rights and the Treaties Committee.

The Treaties Committee plays a crucial role in Australia’s treaty commitments including international trade and climate change.

“Committees cover important policy areas that affect us all as Australians and I’m looking forward to doing my bit.

“For example, it terms of the Treaties Committee which looks at trade agreements, I want to ensure there are greater opportunities for Australian industry and Australian workers and that we improve access for our exports to world markets.

“Human rights are fundamental and affect our very freedoms.

“Some of the areas considered by the Human Rights committee include the rights of the child, the rights of people with disabilities, the elimination of racial discrimination and discrimination against women.

“I want to make a difference that flows back as a benefit to the people of Brand.”