27 October 2022

In May this year, Australians voted for Labor’s plan for a better future.

In May this year, Australians voted for Labor’s plan for a better future.

And this week, the Albanese Labor Government delivered that plan in our first Budget.

We’re helping Australians manage cost of living pressures and plan for the future.

We’re delivering cheaper child care and cheaper medicines. We’re delivering six months paid parental leave. We’re delivering more affordable housing. And we’re getting wages moving again.

We’re also cleaning up the mess the Liberals made over the last decade.

They piled on rorts and waste and left Australia with a trillion dollars of debt. We’re ending the rorts and waste and delivering responsible spending.

We know that we can’t undo years of neglect overnight.

We know there are difficult times ahead. We’re being upfront about the challenges we face.

“I’m proud to be part of the Albanese Labor Government that will always step up for Australia, and I will always step up for Brand when the going gets tough”, Madeleine King said.

We’re working hard to deliver for you today, and to build a better future. And this Budget is just the beginning.